Print Your Photos On Custom

Framed Prints

  • Framed Prints For Every Style & Budget
  • Prints on High-Quality Matte Paper
  • Lovely Variety of Decorative Frames
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*Pricing does not include shipping costs
Frame Options
Image Border Options
Designing your framed photo print is as easy as uploading your photo and selecting a size. You may personalize your framed prints with or without a border and pick from a variety of frame types to make them truly yours. Our team of experts handles the rest; your purchase will be shipped to you with the same attention you put into it.
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Frequently Asked Questions
  • Can I order a custom size framed print?
    No, not at this time. Our framed photo prints are available in 5 sizes: 8" x 10", 11" x 14", 16" x 16", 16" x 20" and 24" x 36".
  • After receiving my order, can I replace the photo in my framed print with a different one?
    Each of our framed photo prints is carefully constructed as a cohesive, all-in-one piece, with backing that’s specifically fitted to the frame. As a result, we do not recommend replacing the photo – removing the backing may damage the frame or print.
  • What are your framed prints made of?
    Our prints are featured on high-quality matte paper for a classic look. The frame is made of medium density fiberboard and comes with an acrylic cover to keep your image in place.
  • How do I hang a framed print?
    Your framed prints will arrive with a built-in sawtooth hanger at the back for easy installation. Follow the directions below to get your print hung in no time: Make sure your print is leveled then mark your wall where you’d like to hang your print. Hammer a nail into your wall marking then hang the sawtooth on back of your print onto the nail
  • What are your tips for creating the best print?
    We recommend uploading high-resolution photos for your framed print. High-res photos will give you the sharpest prints possible. Also, don’t forget to match the shape of your upload to the orientation of the print – doing so helps you avoid any white margins.
  • Do you offer a mat?
    Not at this time. However, you can add a white border to your image when customizing your framed photo print. Note: If you add a white border to your image, the border's width will vary depending on the size of your print. For 8" x 10" and 11" x 14" sizes, the border is 1.5" and for our 16" x 16", 16" x 20" and 24" x 36" sizes, the border is 2.5"
  • What's the difference between a horizontal and vertical orientation?
    A horizontal orientation, also known as a landscape orientation, is wider than it is tall. A vertical orientation, or portrait orientation, is taller than it is wide.
Ready To Create Your Framed Print?
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